
Member of the Year was Carl B. Harding of Denver, Director of Education. Awards of Merit were presented to Mrs. Evelyn Hooker, Ph.D., research psychologist, University of California at Los Angeles and Mr. Bern Whitelaw, London. Named to honorary membership were Dr. Hooker, Miss Hurst, Dr. Harry Benjamin and Dr. Wardell Pomeroy, Field Research Director for the Institute for Sex Research, Bloomington, Ind.

The Sixth Annual Convention returned to the West, but only to the Rocky Mountains where the Denver Area Council was host. In Hotel Albany, September 47, the events held to the pattern of the past several years: every convention seemed to be better, and everyone marveled that such was possible.

Leo V. Tepley, M.D., psychiatrist, addressed the luncheon to ask everyone to understand that homosexuals were people. Hal Lawson of Detroit introduced the afternoon panelists who spoke on "New Frontiers in Acceptance of the Homophile." Robert Hamilton, Ph.D., professor of education, San Francisco State College, opened the discussion, followed by Hon. Robert E. Allen, majority floor leader, House of Representatives, Colorado Legislature, and William F. Reynard, Denver attorney and member of the Board, Colorado branch, American Civil Liberties Union. Highlight of this program was the Sixth Annual Awards Banquet, at which Omer C. Stewart, Ph.D., professor of anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder, presented a fascinating paper on "Homosexuality Among American Indians and Other Aboriginal Peoples." Like many another address delivered at previous Mattachine Conventions, it was reprinted in nationally-circulated sex education journals. At the Awards Banquet, five honorary memberships were presented: James Kepner, Dorr Legg and Don Slater, all of One, Inc., Los Angeles were named along with Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, of Daughters of Bilitis, San Fran cisco. Mrs. Leah Gaily of San Francisco was chosen Member of the Year. Merit awards were announced for Robert Veit Sherwin, New York, attorney and president of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex; the Homosexual Law Reform Society of London; Grove Press of New York, and Radio Station KPFA-FM (Pacifica Foundation) of Berkeley, Calif.


"WHAT DOES MATTACHINE DO?" folders have been revised and enlarged. The center insert herewith is a copy of the new edition of this popular public relations capsule of information about the Mattachine Society and its operating departments. Copies of the folder are avail. able from National Headquarters or Area Councils at the following prices: $1.50 per 100; $1 for 50; smaller quantities, 3¢ each.


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